PVD Brochure
All information about PVD and its activities can also be found in our image brochure.
Download here.
Prepaid Verband Deutschland e. V.
Jörg Steinmetz
Goerzallee 299
14167 Berlin-Lichterfelde
Phone, Weekdays from 09:00 - 17:30 o'clock:
+49 (0)30-85 99 46 250
E-Mail: info@www.prepaidverband.de
Goerzallee 299
14167 Berlin-Lichterfelde
Phone, Weekdays from 09:00 - 17:30 o'clock:
+49 (0)30-85 99 46 250
E-Mail: info@www.prepaidverband.de
PVD Managing Directors of the Executive Board:
- Jörg Steinmetz
- Volker Patzak
- Vincenzo Castaldo
- Dr. Hartwig Gerhartinger
- George Wyrwoll
- Volker Patzak
- Vincenzo Castaldo
- Dr. Hartwig Gerhartinger
- George Wyrwoll